Let’s face it. Finding diet plans for the Indian lifestyle can be quite a hassle; searching for any old diet plan is a piece of cake though (no pun intended). And taking the time to create a chart for what to eat daily is, well, time wasted and time we could be using to make a scrumptous biryani. No worries! Step away from the basmati rice and take a look at this plan, which is totally plausible for all Indians. We’re all different— some veg, some non veg, some North Indian, others South Indian— so I’ll try my best to provide multiple options as well.
- Bombay toast w/ eggs (2 slices at most; keep the butter and eggs to a limit)
- 1 dosa/ chappati w/ dhal or chickpeas
- 1 cup of fresh fruit juice or green tea
* Notice the quantities! I realize it may be a bit odd (literally) to eat only 1 roti, but the amount is key and that should satiate any appetite. Remember to always stop eating when you become full—NOT stuffed. Also, as for any of the foods in this plan, limit—no, ELIMINATE— oils, butter, etc.
- 1 cup of brown rice w/ steamed vegetables and side of baked/ grilled chicken
- 1 cup of pulao w/ raita
-1 medium sized bowl of salad (no cheese or croutons, only greens, tomatoes, and fat free dressing) with one scrambled egg on top.
- nuts
-pita chips w/ hummus
- Greek yogurt w/ fruits and nuts
-fat free vanilla yogurt w/ fruit mix (nanas and berries smoothie!)
* These are “solid” suggestions; liquids are always better and effective. Try making a fat- free smoothie w/ favorite fruits and yogurt or fresh fruit juice. Sugar- free gum is great with holding back hunger for long amounts of time too!
* Remember, smaller/lighter quantities and ingredients consumed before 7:45 pm are best; sleeping on heavy food late at night will give you a pot belly!
- 1 roti w/ raita or dhal
- curd rice (fat free yogurt!)
- 1 small chicken breast with half cup of brown rice and 1 small bowl of fresh vegetables in low-fat curry sauce.
* If you ever have a lack of time on your hands to prepare any of these, don’t resort to junk or fast food. Your options include a quick bowl of low- calories salad, sugar-free grain cereal, oatmeal, and fresh deli sandwiches…and sugarfree gum (I swear by this)! And don’t forget to indulge yourself once in a while for your diligence and the sake of motivation and positivity!!
Nice ,,,,, like your blog ,,, good diet ,,, well balanced .. And easy ,,, doable "" :)
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thanks, Bhakti! I'll check your blog out:))